Goertzel(Data, NoBestCycles, WindowSize, Projection, CycleMax, CycleMin, BestCycleMethod)
Data - Array that the Goertzel indicator should be calculated on.
NoBestCycles - Signal will be created with N best cycles (cycles with highest amplitude)
WindowSize - The goertzel algorithm needs a window of data that is 3 times bigger then the largest cycle being scanned. So if CycleMax is 200 bars then WindowSize needs to be at least 600.
Projection - Number of bars into the future the extracted cycle should be projected.
CycleMax - Maximum cycle size in bars to scan.
CycleMin - Minimum cycle size in bars to scan.
BestCycleMethod - The method to use to determine which cycle is the best. 0 for Amplitude and 1 for Strength.
This will find and use the frequencies with the N (N is user selectable from 1 to 10) highest amplitudes to create a noise filtered signal curve.