Add Input

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Input Name - This field is not used for code generation it is just the name of the input.

Templates - The Neural Network Wizard comes with a list of common input templates that can save a lot of time and effort. Selecting a template will automatically fill most of the appropriate fields except the lag values.

Amibroker Code - This field holds the Amibroker code used to calculate the input. In the above image the code calculates the MACD signal. The code can be anything but must at some point assign the input to a variable of your choosing. The name of this variable must then be placed in the 'Inputs Variable Name' field. There is one caveat though and that is you cannot put any function definitions here. If you need to use a function, then you can add it via the 'Add Code' command.

Inputs Variable Name - The name of the variable in the Amibroker code that holds the input.

Lag From, Lag To - These fields specify the starting and ending lags for the input. For example, in the above image the current days value and the past 5 values will be used of the MyMACDSignal as input to the neural network.

Use Percent Change - Specifies whether to use the input as is or use its rate of change. Taking the rate of range can significantly improve results with certain inputs that are not uniform like moving averages, price etc.